
Nail trimmers are pretty lame, and usually nothing to be excited about. Usually! But the Khlip is pretty cool! The redesigned clipper applies pressure above its single blade, claiming a smoother cut, and sparing you gross nail trimmings flying around.

Whether or not the ergonomic wizardry really pays off, we can at least say the Khlip looks a hell of a lot neater than your standard medicine cabinet model—though $50 may be more than you care to pay for slick design. Especially when the century-old standby can be had for a few bucks.

[url=http://www.klhip.com/]Sito ufficiale[/url]

via [url=http://gizmodo.com/5690246/give-your-nails-the-coolest-trim-of-all-time]Gizmodo[/url]