Dopo [url=https://leganerd.com/2010/10/28/openoffice-org-council-prime-epurazioni/]le prime epurazioni[/url], 33 sviluppatori hanno dato le dimissioni, e hanno sottoscritto un appello affinché altri colleghi li seguano.
* Marko Moeller, Co-Lead, contact website
* Jacqueline Rahemipour, Co-Lead, board OOo DeV
* Eric Christian, contact PrOOo Box
* Rene Hermann, contact for new members
* Thomas Krumbein, contact marketing, chairman OOo DeV
* Volker Merschmann, contact website
* Irmhild Rogalla, contact user support
* Friedrich Strohmaier, contact PrOOo Box
* Wolfgang Uhlig, contact documentation
* Simon Wilper, contact documentation
* Thorsten Behrens, development
* Rainer Bielefeld, quality assurance
* Ulf Brekenfelder, translation
* Sigrid Carrera, documentation and user support
* Florian Effenberger, marketing, board OOo DeV
* Gisbert Friege, website education portal, Dmaths
* Gerald Geib, translation und quality assurance
* Markus Gommel, treasurer OOo DeV and member support
* Thomas Hackert, translation and quality assurance
* Volker Heggemann, quality assurance
* Edgar Kuchelmeister, user support and documentation
* Christian Lohmaier, website and quality assurance
* Andreas Mantke, development and documentation
* Christoph Noack, user experience and artwork
* Jens Nürnberger, PrOOo-Box and quality assurance
* Wolfgang Pechlaner, quality assurance and translation
* Manfred Reiter, former Co-Lead
* Uwe Richter, PrOOo-Box
* Bernhard Rückgauer, OOo DeV
* André Schnabel, translation, supervisory board OOo DeV
* Heinz W. Simoneit, marketing
* Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn, website
* Stefan Weigel, user support and documentation
Via [url=http://www.ossblog.it/post/6976/openoffice-inizia-lesodo]OSSBlog[/url] | Image: [url=http://owni.fr/2010/04/17/tourner-l%E2%80%99apathie-citoyenne-actuelle-en-activisme-citoyen/]Owni[/url]