[quote]Documentary Trek Nation, Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry and Scott Colthorp’s philosophical peek into the sci-fi franchise’s enduring cultural appeal, has yet to touch down in theaters. But from its desire to be the anti-Trekkies to its all-star interviewees like George Lucas, J.J. Abrams and Patrick Stewart, the movie is approaching warp factor geek.[/quote]
Per la gioia dei Trekker (anche se mi pare i fan di Star Wars qui siano in maggioranza), il documentario Trek Nation, diretto da [url=http://www.scottcolthorp.com/]Scott Colthorp[/url], è in cerca di un distributore e potrebbe arrivare presto sugli schermi…
Leggetevi l’intervista su [url=http://www.wired.com/underwire/2010/05/trek-nation-scott-colthorp/]Wired.com[/url].
Q&A con Scott Colthorp, regista di Trek Nation