[url=http://royal.pingdom.com/2010/05/20/can-we-stop-the-app-counting-madness-please/]Royal Pingdom[/url] dice quello che un po’ tutti pensiamo: la conta delle applicazioni sull’AppStore e la sfida con Android sta diventanto un po’ ridicola.
Intanto facendo bene i conti vien fuori che:
[quote]The App Store has stricter admittance rules than Android Market, but even with Apple’s much-discussed approval procedure, the majority of apps will not be any good, and only a small percentage will actually be widely used.[/quote]
E poi alla Apple contano anche i libri:
[quote]There are a ton of ebooks for the iPhone that are sold as apps. Each one of those is one of those 200,000 apps. Books make up the single largest iPhone app category (currently almost 18% of all apps), beating even games. Does anyone in their right mind think that a book is an app?[/quote]
Per non dire del giochetto delle versioni:
[quote]Then there are also some apps that have separate versions for separate languages, or separate sets of data, which again bumps up the number of apps. There are even extreme cases where one app has 800+ versions, each counted as a separate app.
Insomma, qualità VS quantità o vince comunque Apple con un’offerta in ogni caso migliore anche se, come dire, ridondante?
Apple Store VS Android Market… ebbbasta!