Nuovi dettagli per il film dei Power Ranger in uscita l 13 Gennaio 2017. Ecco le immagini dell’abito e delle armi speciali della cattivissima Rita Repulsa, interpretata da Elizabeth Banks.
Nuovi scatti del costume di Rita Repulsa descrivono l’abbigliamento e l’equipaggiamento della villain che tornerà, completamente rivisitata, nella pellicola dei Power Ranger; in allegato ai tweet qualche frecciatina di contorno: “Billions of people now inhabiting this earth and I’m tasked with fighting a bunch of whiny teens. Lovely.”
After eons locked away… I’m FREE! I have plans for your pitiful planet. Stay tuned. #RepulsaTakesOver
— Power Rangers (@ThePowerRangers) November 28, 2016
Billions of people now inhabiting this earth and I’m tasked with fighting a bunch of whiny teens. Lovely. #RepulsaTakesOver
— Power Rangers (@ThePowerRangers) November 28, 2016
65 million years later and I’m still devastatingly attractive. ‘Killin it’, you say? You have no idea how right you are… #RepulsaTakesOver
— Power Rangers (@ThePowerRangers) November 28, 2016