[quote]The Masturbation Gap
The pained history of self pleasure[/quote]
Un interessante articolo su [url=http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/insight-therapy/201009/the-masturbation-gap]Psychology Today[/url]: la storia della masturbazione.

Lo sapevate che il primo testo sul tema risale al 1712: “[i]Onania; or, The Heinous Sin of Self Pollution and all its Frightful Consequences, in both SEXES Considered, with Spiritual and Physical Advice to those who have already injured themselves by this abominable practice. And seasonable Admonition to the Youth of the nation of Both SEXES[/i]”

Ora (come tutti sappiamo) i maschi lo fanno più delle femmine, iniziano prima, finiscono dopo (alcuni non finiscono mai) e grazie a questo hanno meno problemi legati al piacere:
[quote]According to the research, over 95% of males have masturbated to orgasm by age 20, compared to around 60% of women (with some studies suggesting an even larger gap).
The discrepancy with regard to masturbation is doubly problematic because masturbation, it turns out, is a particularly important predictor of sexual health and happiness for women, more so then for men. One of the best predictors of whether a woman will be able to achieve orgasm in her sexual relations is a history of masturbation in adolescence.[/quote]

Perchè tutto ciò?
[quote]Why such a gap? One reason may be men’s higher sex drive. If you define sex drive as preoccupation with sexual behavior and thoughts, including sex crimes and paraphilias, then men routinely manifest higher levels of it than women. Such elevated interest may lead to higher masturbation rates. Structural differences may also play a role. A penis is highly accessible and regularly handled in the act of urination, which may lead to greater familiarity with its potential uses.

L’articolo ripercorre la storia della masturbazione, sia dal punto vista clinico che sociale, una storia difficile fatta di preconcetti, tabù e persecuzioni.

Per fortuna che c’è Internet.