Ormai non ci sono proprio più dubbi che Rian Johnson sia un capo nerd e una bella persona: nella notte prima del panel dedicato a The Last Jedi è comparso a sorpresa tra le file dei fan in coda per salutare, fare foto e firmare autografi.
Per poter partecipare ai panel più importanti nel Galaxy Stage della Star Wars Celebration di Orlando è infatti necessario accaparrarsi un braccialetto speciale (esattamente come ai Comic-Con) che ti darà poi accesso il giorno dopo al teatro.
Inutile dire che le code per ottenere questi braccialetti iniziano già anche 24/30 ore prima dell’evento vero e proprio, in enormi aree dedicate in cui i fan si accampano letteralmente, con cuscini, sedie portatili, coperte e quant’altro.
Non è raro vedere celebrità visitare questi fan e anche nella notte prima del panel dedicato a The Last Jedi c’è stata una bella sorpresa: Rian Johnson, il regista del film, si è presentato in visita alle code, firmando autografi e facendo foto.
Just stay where you’re at! I promise to come to you. I’m psyched to meet you guys!You guys are hardcore.
Just met #RianJohnson !!! He's the NICEST GUY EVER!!! #SWCO #swco17 #starwars pic.twitter.com/cMww9lcTBl
— Moody Talks Movies (@MovieMoody) April 14, 2017
At Star Wars Celebration and @rianjohnson has been here the past hour going down the line signing autographs and meeting EVERYBODYYYYY #swco pic.twitter.com/ie3Kxtj1oq
— Jason (@jasonosia) April 14, 2017
Star Wars: The Last Jedi director @rianjohnson surprises fans waiting in line for tomorrow's panel at #StarWars Celebration. #SWCO pic.twitter.com/Q4Lyt4Sviw
— Dustin Sandoval (@DustinMSandoval) April 14, 2017
At Star Wars Celebration and @rianjohnson has been here the past hour going down the line signing autographs and meeting EVERYBODYYYYY #swco pic.twitter.com/ie3Kxtj1oq
— Jason (@jasonosia) April 14, 2017
What a great guy! @rianjohnson giving signatures and selfies to all the fans at #SWCO pic.twitter.com/XCZTXg71cj
— DaveStrrrikesBack!⚡ (@davestrrr) April 14, 2017
Star Wars: The Last Jedi director @rianjohnson surprises fans waiting in line for tomorrow's panel at #StarWars Celebration. #SWCO pic.twitter.com/Q4Lyt4Sviw
— Dustin Sandoval (@DustinMSandoval) April 14, 2017
What a great guy! @rianjohnson giving signatures and selfies to all the fans at #SWCO pic.twitter.com/XCZTXg71cj
— DaveStrrrikesBack!⚡ (@davestrrr) April 14, 2017
@rianjohnson signed my friends jacket with the words "that's my jacket!" He's Awesome!!! #SWCO #SWCelebration #StarWars pic.twitter.com/1V8Del3oWv
— Moody Talks Movies (@MovieMoody) April 14, 2017
I showed Rian Johnson, the director of Episode VIII The Last Jedi my "The Gay Jedi" T-shirt… #starwarscelebration #thelastjedi #noh8 pic.twitter.com/V4vfSgR2ij
— Rictor (@Rictor_Riolo) April 14, 2017