Cosa serve per essere il sito numero 1 al mondo, o almeno nei primi 100?
Articolo su [url=http://royal.pingdom.com/2010/07/05/what-it-takes-to-be-a-top-100-website-charts/]Royal Pingdom[/url] con statistiche e analisi della questione:
[quote] * To become a top 1,000 website you need at least 4.1 million visitors per month.
* To become a top 500 website you need at least 7.4 million visitors per month.
* To become a top 100 website you need at least 22 million visitors per month.
* To become a top 50 website you need at least 41 million visitors per month.
* To become a top 10 website you need at least 230 million visitors per month.
* To become the number 1 website in the world? Then you need more than 540 million visitors per month. (Good luck with that)[/quote]
Ovviamente il primo in questione è Facebook.
Quindi piratazzi di Lega Nerd, datevi da fare e fate proseliti che la strada è ancora lunga…