
[quote]Getting out of bed on a dark winter morning can be tough. Lots of people need a strong cup of coffee or even an energy drink to get going. We have an innovative alternative. SEQINETIC™ “sun” glasses are a calorie-free, substance-free way to beat the winter blues. They offer the bright, white daylight you’re craving – in a portable design. SEQINETIC™ “sun” glasses let you wear your light source while you go about your morning routine. And yes, you can read and use a computer while wearing them. Using SEQINETIC™ “sun” glasses for up to 30 minutes a day, and you’ll have much more energy during those long, dark winter months.[/quote]

Arriva l’inverno e con lui la grande depressione: Milioni, che dico, miliardi di persone quando il sole estivo se ne va per fare spazio al grigiore invernale si sentono stanche e depresse.

Ma ecco che arriva sul mercato la soluzione: Gli occhiali Seqinetic che, per soli 59 euro, vi regaleranno luce solare dritta negli occhi per quando vi sentite tristi e stanchi.

Se indossati almeno 30 minuti al giorno sono, [del]senza dubbio[/del], la soluzione definitiva al nemico inverno! #comeno #wearablelightlol

– [url=http://www.seqinetic.com/]seqinetic.com[/url]