
Quest’anno si terrà la 25ma edizione dell’European Media Art Festival, manifestazione annuale che si tiene ad [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osnabr%C3%BCck]Osnabrück[/url], ridente cittadina della bassa sassonia arcinota al mondo per essere il luogo in cui si è conclusa la guerra dei trent’anni e per le sue fantasticherrime case a graticcio.

Il tema portante della 25ma edizione è l’investigazione delle nuove forme dei media attraverso la presentazione di numerosi cortometraggi, installazioni e performance multimediali sparse in tutta la città.

[url=http://www.emaf.de/english/timetable/overview.html]Qui[/url] potete trovare il programma delle proiezioni, tra cui vi segnalo in particolare [url=http://www.emaf.de/english/timetable/hermes-eine-handy-oper-in-vier-akten.html]Hermes – Eine handy[/url] e [url=http://www.emaf.de/english/timetable/parabeton.html]Parabeton[/url], una retrospettiva sull’opera di [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pier_Luigi_Nervi]Pier Luigi Nervi[/url] in Italia e Francia.

Di seguito, la press release

[quote]This year, Osnabrück’s European Media Art Festival will celebrate its 25th anniversary. But instead of getting melancholic and retrospective, it will instead focus once again on the latest trends in experimental Media Art from 18 to 22 April.

Over 2,300 entries from artists around the world are piled up high, waiting to be viewed. The film/video jury this year consists of Erwin van ’t Hart, Film Festival Rotterdam, Alex Gerbaulet, Braunschweig University of Art, Philipp Czogalla, University of Paderborn and Helene Webers, SMART Project Space Amsterdam. Under the direction of Ralf Sausmikat, an extremely diverse festival programme will be created over the next few weeks, a programme with a wide range of shorts and feature-length films to really entertain visitors to the festival and to stimulate controversial discussions. It took only a few days of viewing for the jury to realise that this year’s programme would contain numerous longer films; they were impressed by many 30- to 40-minute works.

In the exhibition area of the festival, visitors will be able to experience monitor installations, kinetic objects and light art projects in addition to sound walks and interactive feature films: equipped with a smartphone, visitors can explore sound spaces in the city or design a film together with others.

It goes without saying that the upcoming festival will also take a look back at the 25-year history of EMAF. Internationally renowned artists whose earliest works screened at EMAF years ago will present their current productions, addressing the subject of the every-changing methods used in Media Art. [/quote]

via EMAF 2012