Realm of the Mad God

It’s a game that might have been developed in 1985, if we had an Internet in 1985.

Prendete un MMORPG per come lo conosciamo oggi e mettetelo nel frullatore insieme ad uno shooter a scorrimento orizzontale, un browser game e ad un’abbondante dose di grafica NES-style.
Quello che ne esce è questo Realm of the Mad God, stiloso ed affascinante browser game free-to-play che richiama classici ad 8-bit ma con meccaniche di gioco sconosciute all’epoca.

Realm of the Mad God takes the compulsion loop of a conventional MMO and boils it down to its essential nutrient broth, eschewing all the frippery and getting down to what such games are all about: Kill, loot, level-up, kill some more.

With NES-level pixellated graphics, frenetic top-down shooter play with WASD movement, and permadeath, it feels like a game from another era, yet informed by the tropes and techniques we’ve come to expected in dikuMUD-likes; games from another era are not, obviously, browser-games and massively multiplayer.

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