Maratona a Tokyo per Steve Jobs

It was only 5 years ago that I bought my first Apple product – a 5th Generation iPod Classic. Following that was a white Macbook in 2007: inspired by Leo Laporte’s TWIT network I decided to give podcasting a try, and looking at available options it seemed that Garageband was the way to go. I enjoyed using that MacBook so much that when the iPhone came out in the UK and Japan I was desperate to get my hands on one, and within three hours of landing back in Japan in late 2008 I was in the Softbank Store, signing up for a 2 year contract.

Having an iPhone really has changed my life here in Tokyo. It means I can go anywhere without getting lost, I have all my data with me at all times, I’m potentially in touch with thousands of friends and family members around the world at all times, and I have access to any information I might need to do what I need to do. Whilst I’m sure this would make a big difference back home in the UK, here in Japan it’s like a lifeline (even more so now it can warn me when an earthquake is about to hit).

Joseph Tame è un produttore di media digitali britannico, residente a Tokyo.
Un orgoglioneso Apple-user con la passione per la corsa che ha ben pensato di omaggiare il vecchio Steve, vista la sua dimissione dalla carica di CEO, riproducendo la mela per le strade di Tokyo con l’ausilio di un iPhone e dell’app Runkeeper.
Questo tragitto è di 21 Km, non è certo la prima impresa del signor Tame, che si definisce anzi un GPS artist (facepalm)… altre info sul sito dell’artista:

Tame’s Art of Running.
Dati tecnici della maratona.

Via Neatorama

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