
[quote]It was only 5 years ago that I bought my first Apple product – a 5th Generation iPod Classic. Following that was a white Macbook in 2007: inspired by Leo Laporte’s TWIT network I decided to give podcasting a try, and looking at available options it seemed that Garageband was the way to go. I enjoyed using that MacBook so much that when the iPhone came out in the UK and Japan I was desperate to get my hands on one, and within three hours of landing back in Japan in late 2008 I was in the Softbank Store, signing up for a 2 year contract.

Having an iPhone really has changed my life here in Tokyo. It means I can go anywhere without getting lost, I have all my data with me at all times, I’m potentially in touch with thousands of friends and family members around the world at all times, and I have access to any information I might need to do what I need to do. Whilst I’m sure this would make a big difference back home in the UK, here in Japan it’s like a lifeline (even more so now it can warn me when an earthquake is about to hit).[/quote]

Joseph Tame è un produttore di media digitali britannico, residente a Tokyo.
Un orgoglio[del]ne[/del]so Apple-user con la passione per la corsa che ha ben pensato di omaggiare il vecchio Steve, vista la sua [url=https://leganerd.com/2011/08/25/steve-jobs-si-dimette-da-ceo/]dimissione dalla carica di CEO[/url], riproducendo la mela per le strade di Tokyo con l’ausilio di un iPhone e dell’app [url=http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/runkeeper/id300235330?mt=8]Runkeeper[/url].
Questo tragitto è di 21 Km, non è certo la prima impresa del signor Tame, che si definisce anzi un GPS artist (facepalm)… altre info sul sito dell’artista:

[url=http://josephta.me/]Tame’s Art of Running.[/url]
[url=http://runkeeper.com/user/josephtame/activity/49514547]Dati tecnici della maratona.[/url]

Via [url=http://www.neatorama.com/2011/08/28/the-21km-tribute-to-steve-jobs/]Neatorama[/url]