Da [url=http://royal.pingdom.com/2011/06/17/report-the-most-common-web-browsers-and-browser-versions-today/]Royal Pingdom[/url] il grafico con la diffusione delle versioni di web browser nel mondo, basata sulla rilevazione di [url=http://gs.statcounter.com/]StatCounter[/url] su oltre 15 miliardi di page views nel periodo tra il primo ed il 16 giugno.

Qui sopra invece la sintesi per browser, indipendentemente dalle versioni.

Le osservazioni:
[quote]+ [b]The fall of IE[/b]. It wasn’t long ago that Internet Explorer completely dominated the browser market. Before Firefox came around in 2004 it had somewhere around 95% of the browser market. These days the situation is drastically different, with all version of IE together making up “only” 44%.
+ [b]Chrome’s amazing growth[/b]. It’s also amazing how quickly Google Chrome has become a force to be reckoned with. Chrome was released less than three years ago.
+ [b]The rise of WebKit[/b]. If you count the WebKit browsers together (i.e. Chrome and Safari), they have almost as big a share as Firefox, 25.35% versus 28.57%. And this is on the desktop. If you look at mobile browsers, the story is a different one, with total WebKit domination.

Interessante infatti il confronto con la analoga statistica nel 2010 (vedi [url=https://leganerd.com/2011/01/13/internet-i-numeri-del-2010/]post[/url] su :ln: ): IE è sceso dal 46.9% al 43.72% (-3.18), Firefox scende dal 30.8% al 28.57% (-2.23) mentre Chrome sale dal 14.9% al 20.26% (+ 5.36).