[quote]Paul Rodriguez, Julian Wilson, Danny Kass and the rest of the Nike team take the stage in the mother of all night jam sessions.

They’ve shown you what they do. Now it’s time to show the world what you and your crew do. Take the stage at NIKE.COM/CHOSEN.


Get the song, I GOT A THING performed by Hanni El Khatib at [url=http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/i-got-a-thing-single/id438357605?ls=1]iTunes[/url].[/quote]

Gran bel video adrenalinico da [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/nike]Nike[/url] con il meglio di snowboard, BMX, skate e surf, girato di notte, un effetto che rende tutto molto suggestivo.

Enjoy, che è arrivata l’estate!