[quote]After multiple successful tests of the E-Cat by third parties, and now proof of nuclear reactions, it is frustrating (but predictable) that the mainstream media is not paying hardly any attention to this technology. The E-Cat represents a way to eliminate our need for fossil fuels and an alternative to conventional nuclear power. However, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and many other news networks act as if nothing is happening.

This is more proof that the mainstream media is dead, totally owned and controlled by the corrupt powers that be. If you want up to date news and information the alternative media is now the best source. At some point, awareness of this technology will reach a critical mass, and the so called mainstream media will be forced to cover it. Probably, there will be multi-hour long televised specials about the technology. The truth, of course, will be that they will not deserve the ratings they get. They ignored this technology for many months and it would serve them right if no one tuned in! I hope Andrea Rossi does not give a single major network in the United States an interview. My personal hope is that he chooses to give frequent interviews on Coast to Coast AM, and other media outlets that have frequently favorably discussed cold fusion over the years. [/quote]

Per fortuna ogni tanto il Bel Paese regala anche buone notizie: in questo articolo di [url=http://pesn.com/2011/04/07/9501805_Rossi_Cold_Fusion_Validated_by_Swedish_Skeptics_Society/]PESNetwork[/url] un update sulla sperimentazione dell’Energy Catalyzer (ne abbiamo già parlato [url=https://leganerd.com/2011/01/20/finalmente-la-fusione-fredda/]qui[/url]) ideato da Andrea Rossi presso l’Università di Bologna.

L’esperimento, con un nuovo prototipo di E-Cat da 4.5kW, si è svolto lo scorso 29 marzo alla presenza di alcuni osservatori tra cui, oltre al Professor Sergio Focardi, David Bianchini e Giuseppe Levi, il Prof. Hanno Essen (professore associato di fisica teorica al Swedish Royal Institute of Technology) e presidente del Swedish Skeptics Society.

Altro osservatore ospite è stato il Prof. Sven Kullander dell’università di Uppsala, presidente della Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Energy Committee.

Gli osservatori hanno confermato la formazione di rame a partire da idrogeno e nichel: la fusione fredda ha avuto luogo.

Al di là delle inevitabili e condivisibili polemiche sollevate dall’articolo (poteri forti che soffocano queste scoperte rivoluzionarie etc), ci resta la speranza che finalmente sia arrivato il punto di svolta rispetto ai combustibili fossili.

Per approfondimento sull’esperimento vedete l'[url=http://pesn.com/2011/04/07/9501805_Rossi_Cold_Fusion_Validated_by_Swedish_Skeptics_Society/]articolo[/url].