
[quote]The helmet is the body of an old Apple computer, but the screen is replaced by an iPad, which fits in a slot that was cut into either side of the screen area. Inside, there is support for comfort.n LED patch that is reactive to sound is attached and its connections are all contained within the body of the computer and fed through the floppy disk drive out of the front.[/quote]

Descrizione anglofona abbastanza chiara, dopo aver comprato un vecchio [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh_Plus]Macintosh Plus[/url] su eBay lo ha completamente svuotato dei componenti interni e adattato con un casco di bicicletta, senza dimenticare un simpatico iPad sulla parte frontale.

Afterglow Visual Productions:
Live visualizers for music and atmosphere.

Kid Chameleon:
Electro DJ and musician.

fonte: http://afterglowvp.com/2011/01/kid-chameleons-helmet/