[quote]TouchArcade reveals a first hands-on with an upcoming Commodore Amiga emulator from mobile developer Manomio. Manomio is the developer behind the Commodore 64 emulator for iOS that made headlines after it was originally rejected from the App Store. Manomio’s Commodore 64 emulator eventually returned to the App Store after some favorable changes in App Store policy.

As with its Commodore 64 emulator, Manomio is legally licensing the required intellectual property and is working with individual developers to bring popular Amiga titles to the App Store. Even at this early stage, the emulator is running very well, though input controls need to be polished. The following demo video shows a collection of 10 classic Amiga games including Defender of the Crown, Battle Squadron, International Karate +, R-Type, R-Type II, Speedball, Stunt Car Racer, Shadow of the Beast, Virus, and Xenon 2: Megablast:[/quote]

Sembra che sia in arrivo questo emulatore Amiga per iOS, non si conosce ancora la data di uscita.