PETA chiede a Games Workshop di rimuovere le pellicce da WarHammer

“How to paint Fur” via

La PETA ha richiesto al CEO di Games Workshop di rimuovere le pellicce da tutti i personaggi di Warhammer.

Il post ufficiale si addentra nel descrivere l’incompatibilità tra il vestire “animali morti” e i personaggi che rappresentano il mondo di Warhammer.

The grimdark, battle-hardened warriors are known for their martial prowess – but wearing the skins of dead animals doesn’t take any skill.


Why Is PETA Asking Games Workshop to Make Warhammer Fur-Free? via


A quanto pare la PETA ha scritto direttamente al CEO di Games Workshop, Kevin Rountree, chiedendo di rimuovere le pellicce da tutti i personaggi di Warhammer:

PETA has written to Games Workshop CEO Kevin Rountree asking that the leading British miniature war-gaming brand ban “fur” garments from all Warhammer characters. While we appreciate that they are fictional, draping them in what looks like a replica of a dead animal sends the message that wearing fur is acceptable – when, in fact, it has no more place in 2017 than it would in the year 40,000.


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