Tra reboot e remake, torna anche una vecchia gloria del cinema horror e porta con sè qualche interessante idea: ecco lo spunto di Robert Englund alias Freddy Krueger per un possibile sequel di Nightmare.

Intervistato da Florida Today, il celebre attore che portò alla ribalta il feroce e divertente assassino dei sogni parla di un’idea per un futuro sequel di Nightmare. I figli delle vittime dei precedenti film potrebbero avere incubi riguardanti Freddy; questi incubi sarebbero basati sull’idea che gli stessi ragazzini si sono fatti del killer ascoltando le storie e le leggende attorno ai fatti avvenuti in passato. In questo modo potremmo vedere diverse ed interessanti versioni dello stesso assassino. Ecco la sua spiegazione:

If I was in control of my own Nightmare on Elm Street movie, I have an idea I would have liked to see. I thought it would be great if the children of previous victims, or just kids who grew up hearing stories about Freddy Krueger, were each haunted by their own version of Freddy Krueger. Kids who grew up hearing stories about this Freddy Krueger guy and the awful things he did envisioned him in their own way, and that is the version that begins to haunt them. Some people may picture him as stout, another might envision him as tall & thin, another with a different hat, or a different sweater. He could have different gloves, or even a glove with small razor blades as referred to in the first movie. It would be neat to see very different interpretations of Freddy Krueger based on the child’s vision of who or what Freddy was to them. After all, each person’s subconscious would picture him in a totally different way.