
The “ConQuest” is a major larp event for 5000+ Players and about 1600+ Fulltime NPCs and Tribe-actors that is taking place every year in August. Together, all participants fill the fantastic continent “Mythodea” with life and try to solve the over 1000 plotstrings full of riddles and adventures that put their wits and skills to the test. Whatever they do – this directly influences the story and future of Mythodea, to a good or a bad way.

Ever thought about how it would be like to be either the shiny knight going to battle in full armour or be the damsel courted by all the brave warriors? If you want to give it a try, you are at the right spot to try the new livestyle hobby “Live Adventure” where you can live your dreams. Our team builds fantasy worlds, in a place inmidst Germany. Filled with elaborate props and scenes, effects and masked extras in the thousands. A fantasy world that you can explore. Meet fascinating characters, party in medieval taverns or try your skills in swordfights – leaving behind all everyday problems for 5 days during this event. [/quote]

I partecipanti di quest’anno a questo [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_action_role-playing_game]LARP[/url] di massa sono stimati essere intorno ai 7000, tra giocatori e [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-player_character]NPC[/url].

Dal 3 al 7 agosto 2011 tutti questi guerrieri, bardi, maghi,…, popoleranno i boschi e i castelli di Brokeloh (Bassa Sassonia, Germania) e vivranno avventure basate su oltre mille canovacci per una 5 giorni di fantasy assoluto.

I biglietti partono da 75€ ([url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Bird]early bird sale[/url]) fino a 125€, con sconti per ragazzi e NPC. Non correte a prendere le carte di credito perché le biglietterie hanno il chiuso il 22/7 scorso.

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Via [url=http://www.ansa.it/web/notizie/photostory/curiosita/2011/08/04/visualizza_new.html_758400472.html]Ansa[/url] | [url=http://www.live-adventure.de/ConQuest_english/start.php]ConQuest 2011[/url] | [url=https://leganerd.com/groups/giochi-di-ruolo/forum/topic/gdr-live/]Discussione sul forum[/url]