[quote]On April 26, 1986, reactor number four at the Chernobyl nuclear power facility in what is now Ukraine exploded. The largest civil nuclear disaster in history led to mass evacuations, and long-term health, agricultural, and economic distress. The nearby city of Pripyat has been abandoned, and a 19-mile radius “exclusion zone” established where radiation contamination makes continued habitation dangerous. Collected here are archival pictures of the catastrophe, as well as more recent images of the area. In addition, two photographers who’ve made extensive studies of the aftermath have been gracious enough to share their work with us here. [b][url=http://www.dianamarkosian.com/splash]Diana Markosian[/url][/b] documented the lives of pensioners Lida and Mikhail Masanovitz, who continue to live in the abandoned ghost town of Redkovka, Ukraine. Her work is found here in photographs 13 through 16. [b][url=http://www.afterchernobyl.com/]Michael Forster Rothbart[/url][/b] has produced one of the most extensive records available of life near Chernobyl. His work is found here in photographs 23 through 29. Links to the websites of both photographers can be found below.[/quote]
Il 26 aprile del 1986 a Chernobyl, in Ucraina, avveniva il peggior disastro nucleare mai verificatosi (sin’ora).

Avrete notato che di [url=https://leganerd.com/tag/fukushima/]Fukushima [/url]non si parla più molto (nonostante il livello dell’incidente sia stato portato allo stesso di Chernobyl, il livello 7 della scala [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INES]INES[/url]): queste foto pubblicate dal sempre ottimo [url=http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/04/chernobyl_disaster_25th_annive.html]The Big Picture[/url] rappresentano con grande efficacia quanto i danni causati da questo tipo di incidenti siamo difficili, se non impossibili, da rimediare.

L’area di 19 miglia intorno alla centrale è tuttora off-limits, abitata solo da pochi anziani ormai rassegnati, mentre intorno la popolazione superstite continua a combattere contro le conseguenze delle radiazioni, cosa che dovrà fare probabilmente per generazioni.

E’ una gallery forte, ma seguendo i link dei due fotografi (nel quote) troverete molto altro.

La gallery su [b][url=http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/04/chernobyl_disaster_25th_annive.html]The Big Picture[/url][/b].