[quote]Tonight the new Xbox LIVE update is coming out, with changes to the user interface, improved voice chat, tweaks to avatars and the avatar editor, and other fun stuff. One of the other “fun stuff” items is an update to the ZUNE Video Marketplace.

Starting from tonight, you will be able to purchase movies through the ZUNE Video Marketplace in addition to renting On Demand titles. This means there are HEAPS of new titles coming. I counted 491 that will be available for purchase from the time of the update. It also means we’ll have some titles available on ZUNE Video Marketplace earlier, since we don’t have to wait for them to enter the On Demand window–once they are available for digital distribution we can make them available for purchase.

Another bonus? It’s available on all 3 of your screens. Once you’ve purchased the title on Xbox LIVE you can also choose to watch it on your PC via the ZUNE software, or even transfer it (from your PC) to your Windows Phone 7 and watch it on the go. You’ve bought it, you should be able to watch it, right? and now you can.

I’ll try to get my hands on a complete list of the titles coming tonight for those interested.[/quote]
Via [url=http://insiderx.com.au/2010/11/01/updates-to-zune-video-marketplace/]com[/url]

Io non l’ho mai usato e sarò impossibilitato a [del]smanettarci sopra[/del] provarlo fino a Dicembre; qualcuno l’ha usato? come lo trova? aspetto i vostri commenti

PS:la categoria non mi convince molto, se ne trovate una migliore la modifico