[quote]Since Mozilla Labs launched the Concept Series with an open call for participation we’ve had thousands of people join in, share ideas and develop concepts around Firefox, the Mozilla projects and the Open Web as a whole.
In response to our open call Billy May, in early 2009, produced a throw-away concept for an “Open Web Concept Phone”. Working directly off of that community feedback, Billy has since finished the exploration with his concept “Seabird”.[/quote]
Ormai un concept di smartphone non si nega a nessuno (vedi Facebook) e da MozillaLabs arriva [url=http://mozillalabs.com/conceptseries/2010/09/23/seabird/]Seabird[/url].

Chiaramente non si tratta di un progetto reale (almeno per il momento ;-)) ma solo di un esercizio della community di Mozilla.

E in quanto tale, un esercizio appunto, si capisce come le features siano un po’ ottimistiche.

Cito l’articolo di [url=http://gizmodo.com/5646399/if-mozilla-ever-made-a-cellphone-this-is-how-it-might-look]Gizmodo[/url]:
[quote]The Seabird is a design created for the Mozilla Labs’ Concept Series by a fellow named Billy May. It’s basically a community-driven exploration of how an Open Web phone might look. The design involves an Android-based operating system, “[b]an 8 megapixel camera, dual side pico projectors, wireless charging, and an embedded Bluetooth dongle[/b]”[/quote]
La guerra per gli smart-web-phone (e relativi sistemi operativi) è appena iniziata…