Vincenzo Natali dirigerà il film su Neuromante

Neuromancer is the story of a washed-up computer hacker hired by a mysterious employer to work on the ultimate hack. Seven Arts sees Neuromancer as part of a potential multi film series as many of Gibson’s sci-fi masterpieces have yet to be adapted to the big screen.

Adoro l’opera di Gibson e in particolare Neuromante che è un capolavoro assoluto.
Neuromancer was an immediate hit, with over 7 million copies sold, and was the first novel to win the “triple crown” of science fiction awards — the Nebula, the Hugo, and the Philip K. Dick Award for paperback original.

La Seven Arts annuncia di aver affidato a Natali la regia del film.
Natali’s credits include Splice, starring Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley, as well as the cult psychological thriller Cube. Splice was released in thousands of theaters nationwide by Warner Brothers last Friday following a sensational debut at the Sundance Film Festival.

Il trailer è riferito al precedente progetto su cui Jospeh Kahn ha lavorato per qualche anno… questo cambio di regista ha inevitabilmente scatenato polemiche, non so chi sia meglio, l’importante che ne venga fuori qualcosa di degno del libro!

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