Computer Song, canzone sul BSOD

PC users everywhere – you know the feeling. You’ve just spent hours typing up that final chapter, retouching that photograph or completing that really hard mission on GTA, when without warning, bang goes Windows. This is your song.

Commento dell’autore al video sul tubo

Jim Noir (autore della canzone) è un cantautore che odia il suo computer quando diventa tutto blu.
Chissà che sistema operativo usa…
Questa canzone fa parte del suo album d’esordio del 2005 “Tower of Love”.

Mi sembra giusto sottolineare che il video è un esclusiva per internet.

Ecco il testo:

The moment I switch you on
You sing your song let me know it won’t be long
I tell you’re going wrong and you make me cry and I don’t know why
I try control-delete but it makes me upset when I have to re-set your mind
Oh no you’re turning blue, just tell me straight or do I have to wait

The moment I switch you on
You sing your song let me know it won’t be long
I tell you’re going wrong and you make me cry and I don’t know why
I try control delete but it makes me upset when I have to re-set your mind
Oh no you’re turning blue, just tell me straight or do I have to wait

Every time I try to make a silly little song
My efforts are all wasted cos machinery goes wrong

Every time I try to make a silly little song
My efforts are all wasted cos machinery goes wrong

Da un mio vecchio :baz:

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