[quote]Bring your tablet-based gaming to the next level with the JOYSTICK-IT Tablet Arcade Stick. The JOYSTICK-IT gives you a real physical joystick for increased precision with touchscreen based games. Simply press down to attach the JOYSTICK-IT to your tablet based computer’s screen for improved gaming. No wires or batteries needed.

The JOYSTICK-IT works with thousands of different game apps. Any game that has an on-screen control pad of some kind is perfect for the JOYSTICK-IT. Simply run your game of choice, place the JOYSTICK-IT over the on-screen control pad and push down. The JOYSTICK-IT sticks to the glass of your display and is ready for action. The lightweight solid milled-aluminum construction of the JOYSTICK-IT adds more precise movement and faster response time for enhanced playability. When you’re done, simply pull-up on the JOYSTICK-IT to remove from the screen.[/quote]

25€ su [url=http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/cellphone/e75a/]ThinkGeek[/url]
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:bazinga: di [url=https://leganerd.com/people/snodo]Snodo[/url]