[quote]Hey guys, Thanks for posting [url=https://leganerd.com/2010/07/28/batman-vs-iron-man-stop-motion-battle/]Iron Man vs Batman stop motion[/url] this past summer!
I Just finished this stop motion short with Tron figures using “light painting” do you think this would be something your followers would enjoy? [/quote]
Absolutely! grazie a [url=http://www.ra-pictures.com]Kyle Roberts[/url] che ci ha avvisato di questa sua nuova fatica :D
PR nello spoiler.
[spoiler][quote]Tron Legacy: Speed of Light (stop motion short)
In anticipation of the new film, Tron Legacy, this light painting stop motion short was created on a kitchen floor to emulate the grid like aspect of the 1982 Tron arcade game. With over 800 photos it was completed within a 22-hour time frame. Kyle and a few assistants started shooting at 6pm CST Thursday night and finished all of the editing at 4pm yesterday afternoon.
They tested with two of the new figures Tron Light Cycles, the “Deluxe” version, and the “Zero Gravity R/C” that actually climbs up walls! Although the Deluxe version was much nicer looking in detail, the Zero Gravity version worked much better when light painting.
Kyle Roberts is an independent filmmaker located in Oklahoma City, OK. He has done other stop motions that have gained international attention including [url=https://leganerd.com/2010/07/28/batman-vs-iron-man-stop-motion-battle]Iron Man vs. Batman[/url] and [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9uCEOZyUeQ]Wall-E Meets Michael Jackson[/url].
“I’m a nerd and love to make nerdy things cool!”- Kyle Roberts[/quote][/spoiler]