[quote]Inside this box you’ll find a La Fonera wireless access point. [Emeryth] and his band of miscreants built this portable device for WiFi security testing. The AP is running OpenWRT and has been set up to use the 16×4 character display as a terminal. An ATmega88 connects the LCD as well as six buttons to the UART of the La Fonera. From there, a set of Ruby scripts takes care of the communication protocol.[/quote]

Il bello di questo hack è che non prevede modifiche al Fonera, quindi “sganciando” l’interfaccia fisica si torna ad avere l’access point pulito come Accton l’ha fatto.

Via [url=http://hackaday.com/2010/08/14/portable-wifi-penetration-testing/]Hack-a-day[/url]