
LEGO Levi’s: l’annuncio ufficiale della nuova linea di capi d’abbigliamento [AGGIORNATO]

LEGO Levi’s: l’annuncio ufficiale della nuova linea di capi d’abbigliamento [AGGIORNATO]

Annunciata ufficialmente da LEGO e Levi’s la nuova linea di capi d’abbigliamento personalizzabile, nata dalla collaborazione dei due marchi.

AGGIORNAMENTO: il sito giapponese PR TIMES ha condiviso una foto con i prezzi in Yen dei prodotti LEGO x Levi’s. BrickFinder.net li ha poi convertiti (approssimti) in dollari. Noi abbiamo aggiunto la conversione in Eur.

  • Vintage Fit Trucker Jacket – SGD$193.50 / USD 141,40 / 118 Eur
  • LEGO Relaxed Crew Brick Built – SGD$103.20 / USD 75,50 / 63 Eur
  • LEGO Relaxed Crew Red – SGD$103.20 / USD 75,50 / 63 Eur
  • LEGO Relaxed Hoodie Brick Built – SGD$116.10 / USD 85 / 71 Eur
  • LEGO Relaxed Hoodie Black – SGD$116.10 / USD 85 / 71 Eur
  • LEGO Pack Vest – SGD$155 / USD 113,20 / 95 Eur
  • Relaxed Fit Tee LEGO Brickhead White – SGD$51.60 / USD 37,70 / 32 Eur
  • Relaxed Fit Tee LEGO Brick Yellow – SGD$51.60 / USD 37,70 / 32 Eur
  • Relaxed Fit Tee LEGO Brick Mineral Black – SGD$51.60 / USD 37,70 / 32 Eur
  • LEGO Flat Brim Cap – SGD$51.60 / USD 37,70 / 32 Eur
  • LEGO Beanie – SGD$45 / USD 33 / 27 Eur

Inoltre il sito indica il 1° ottobre come data di inizio vendita dei nuovi prodotti.


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Dopo il teaser della scorsa settimana arriva l’annuncio ufficiale dei prodotti di abbigliamento nati dalla nuova partnership fra LEGO e Levi’s che prosegue il trend delle collaborazioni con marchi prestigiosi visto negli ultimi mesi con IKEA e Adidas.


LEGO x Levi


LEGO Group x Levi’s® Wearable Art. Celebrating Limitless Imagination.

LEGO Group x Levi’s®Wearable Art. Celebrating Limitless Imagination.

Posted by Bricknauts on Thursday, September 10, 2020


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I nuovi prodotti di questa linea saranno caratterizzati da una baseplate di silicone giallo con stud su cui attaccare i propri pezzi LEGO e sarà disponibile una polibag, acquistabile a parte, contenente 110 pezzi LEGO DOTS, da usare per la personalizzazione.


LEGO x Levi
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La nuvoa baseplate sarà cucita sulla giacca di jeans vintage Stonewash Levi’s® Trucker Jacket, sulla Dad Crop Trucker Jacket e sull’iconico calzone 501® ’93 Straight Jeans oltre ad una nuvoa linea di felpe con e senza cappuccio ed accessori (come marsupio e berretti vari).


lego levi's
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Inoltre saranno disponibili delle nuove t-shirt che non avranno alcuna baseplate con stud ma solo una grafica dedicata alla nuova collaborazione.


LEGO x Levi
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Inoltre, assieme alla baseplate cucita, i capi avranno alcuni dettagli colorati con i colori base LEGO e tematizzati con grafiche e forme LEGO.


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Nessuna informazione è stata rilasciata al momento relativamente alla data di emssa in vendita, al prezzo, ne a dove saranno disponibili all’acquisto questi prodotti.


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Di seguito il comunicato stampa dell’annuncio.


LEGO Group x Levi’s®
Wearable Art. Celebrating Limitless Imagination.

Who doesn’t love LEGO® bricks? And who doesn’t have a fond LEGO memory from their childhood (or even adulthood)? Whether you build from instructions, or dream up something from your imagination, LEGO building is the ultimate platform for creative experimentation and development.

And of course, no one loves creativity and playfulness—as well as infinite customizability—more than Levi’s®. Which is exactly why the two iconic brands have teamed up for a special Levi’s® and LEGO Group collection.

“This is such a fun collaboration celebrating self-expression, creativity and nostalgia,” says Karyn Hillman, Chief Product Officer for Levi Strauss & Co. “It’s Levi’s® and the LEGO Group coming together to co-create something really special and new, but undeniably familiar. With the customizable baseplates, Levi’s® is now literally a new blank canvas for LEGO play.”

Exclusive to the collection, the collaboration features the first-ever flexible LEGO baseplate. It’s a pliable LEGO silicone panel onto which fans can create their own customized designs using LEGO DOTS, a new concept that was introduced by the LEGO Group earlier this year. Sewn directly on the garment, anyone can create their own design using the mosaic-like tiles that “snap” onto the baseplates. The baseplate will be available as a customizable patch on a vintage stonewash Levi’s® Trucker Jacket, a Dad Crop Trucker Jacket, 501® ’93 Straight Jeans, and a lineup of hoodies, crewneck sweatshirts, and accessories. Customization pieces from the collection will come with a Levi’s® and LEGO Group branded bag of 110 LEGO® DOTS, so that fans have a playful canvas for self-expression with endless options. Graphic tees are also included in the collection and while they won’t carry the customizable baseplates, they feature unique co-branded graphics that will excite fans of both brands.

LEGO elements also appear in product details across the collection including primary colored shank buttons in yellow, red, green, blue, white and black. The Levi’s® standard leather patch has also been converted to a flexible red LEGO patch.

“There’s so much passion and energy in this partnership, working with the creative and iconic Levi’s® brand is inspiring, and is pushing the way we innovate the LEGO brand experience,” says Lena Dixen, Senior Vice President and Head of Product and Marketing Development at LEGO Group.

It’s the deep emotional connection you have to your favorite pair of Levi’s® jeans, combined with the love and fondness you have for LEGO play, offering one mind-blowing collection of nostalgia, playfulness and creativity.




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