Emo Kylo Ren presenterà il Saturday Night Live
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Adam Driver, in arte “Emo” Kylo Ren, presenterà la prossima puntata del Saturday Night Live. I promo dell’evento sono tutto un programma: il giovane Emo riesce a frustrarsi per qualsiasi minuscolo problema gli capiti.
Il profilo twitter fake di Emo Kylo Ren già da un po’ sta facendo lollare tutta l’internet, con i suoi post passivo-aggressivi. Ve ne mostriamo alcuni di stupendi.
— Emo Kylo Ren (@KyloR3n) January 13, 2016
i was not crying in the shower
i just realized how i'll never get to meet darth vader and then soap got in my eye— Emo Kylo Ren (@KyloR3n) January 9, 2016
*door opens*
yes Rey you see when you are as powerful as I you can do these things
"kylo that was an automatic door"— Emo Kylo Ren (@KyloR3n) December 31, 2015
my dad just knocked over my model Death Star and broke it
but he did not apologize
he said people should stop making Death Stars
I'm shaking— Emo Kylo Ren (@KyloR3n) December 26, 2015
- SNL (youtube.com)
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