
[nota]Avete presente ‘New Girl’? La nuova serie con [url=http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooey_Deschanel]Zooey Deschanel[/url], nella quale è una ragazza imbranata che si trasferisce in una casa con tre coinquilini (maschi)? No? Beh, se non ne sapete nulla, vi consiglio di alzare le chiappe e andare a vederla su Sky.
Qui elenco le 5 ragioni per le quali la serie stia spopolando ovunque. E vi chiederete, perchè in inglese? Perchè avevo inizialmente proposto l’articolo su un sito U.S., ma visto l’enorme quantità di articoli che ricevono e il loro silenzio stampa, concedo l’esclusiva a voi. [NdMokkori: non male siamo la seconda scelta :D ].
E non fate le piaghe perchè è in inglese, siete nerd. Dovrebbe essere una passeggiata.[/nota]

As you might know, [i]New Girl[/i] is the new serie that has debuted on CW in September 20.
After a good response from U.S., it was aired in other countries and that was the precise moment when it exploded.
Well, not so precise indeed..but the most important thing is that it has literally conquered us all.

But what are the reason of this big success?
Let’s try to give a look:

[title]1. Say Pee…[/title]

Ok. Everyone remember Zooey Deschanel in ‘500 days of Summer’. The 20% of you remember about the tragic and distressing finale (and I’m talking to girls). The 80% of the others will remember the movie for the [i]Penis game[/i] scene. And I’m talking about the boys.
Now, Zooey decides to duplicate the success with the repetition of the ‘lucky word’.
She repeats it. And repeat. And repeat.
No,wait. She tries to repeat it but without any luck.
If in the movie she was so cheeky to yell it loud, in the series she’s so geeky that can’t say the whole word aloud.

Penis or not penis, Zooey, we always love you.

[title]2. Dork is the new nerd[/title]

In the last years we’ve tried to find new look, new fashion, new examples and finally we have seen what we were always looking at without givin’ a damn: nerds.
[i]The Big Bang Theory[/i], [i]Chuck[/i], and, at the beginning, [i]the O.C.[/i] (with Seth Cohen, ndr), gave us the possibility to have a look to their world, to their (no) sense of fashion and their deep thoughts (thank you,Sheldon!).
But what if a ‘nerd’ is too nerdy for common people? What if you’re smart but not as brilliant as a scientist? I mean, what if you’re smart, cute but you are a dork in love life as Raj and Dr.Cooper? Well, than you are just an a-[i]dork[/i]-able girl/boy.
And that’s what Jess is.

Jess is goofy, dorky and, most of all, she’s not afraid to show it.
Her weird side has something unique that not everyone can understand, but if you don’t just [i]look at[/i] her, but stop to [i]see[/i] her (like for the ‘nerd theory’ I wrote above), you can see how much there’s in the lovely ‘grown-up child’ of her!

[title]3. There’s a model but not supermodels[/title]

The great thing of the serie is that the actors are normal human beings.

Someone could argue about the fact there’s nothing special about the flatmates of Jess.
The point is that at the beginning there’s nothing special in everyone you meet. There’s no Jared Leto walking in the street near you (unless you’re a rich Upper East Side guy of NY, in this case I’m wondering why you are reading me).
The good thing is to know the characters step by step, and fall in love with their personality (for example, I felt in love with Nick, aka Jack Johnson).
Cece (Hannah Simone), instead, in the serie is a real model and I like the fact they do not try to hide it (in other words: there’s a reason if Jess’ bff is tall, thin and beautiful. So don’t freak out, you at home).
Last but first, the awesome Zooey shows to all of us (and Hollywood, too) how a gorgeous real beauty is way more attractive than a ‘cheese slice girl’.

[title]4. Old, poor and daily routine[/title]

We usually watch shows where people is so rich that buys houses to their 5 years old child, or where triangular (and quadrangular) love/money affairs happen in less than a minute.
What boring and unbelievable circumstances (yes, I’ve got it..’not for you’, reader of the Upper East..!).

[i]‘New Girl’[/i], instead, resembles our lives, our need to find a job, our years that don’t stop at 25 and our small-but-not-so-small problems, just seen in a light and ironic way.
It shows us how can we deal with daily problems, how to approach with them and, if things go bad, how to survive and go on.
You are never lonely watching [i]‘the flatmates’[/i].
P.s. Isn’t it a great title to give to the serie for a second season? Because the new girl won’t be ‘new’ anymore. Yeah, I know. I’m a genius.

[title]5. …Zooey Deschanel[/title]

Did I mention that there’s Zooey Deschanel in here?

Because I freaking love her. I loved her since I’ve seen her singing in [i]‘Buddy, the elf’[/i].
She made lovely (I can’t use other words with her, she’s just lovely) independent movies and the [i]‘Hey Girl’[/i] theme song is sung by her and her unmistakable ‘60s tone colour.
Plus, it’s a joy for the eyes looking at all those beautiful Mod dresses that she delightfully wears.
Personally, I also love that there’s a character that wears glasses and can be hot, too. About time!
Again, she’s a really an a-dork-able girl, no fake. She is like Jess and she doesn’t find any difficulty to play the role, we can see it.

Being a dork sometimes, means being like Zooey: dreamy, sweety and sensitive.
Precious things that most of people has forgotten.

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