Un alluce al posto del pollice perduto

Apparently, James’ thumb was vital for his work, paver and plant operator, so the answer was easy for him. The operation was a success, although he still can’t fully move the thumb naturally: “I can’t bend it yet but I hope to be able to do so soon. It rotates and I can give it a good wiggle. I am so, so pleased that I had it done. It is just such a relief that I’ll be able to get back to work soon.” He would have to return to surgery to remove the wires that currently secure the bones in place, but otherwise everything seems perfectly fine.

James Byrne fa il carpentiere e il suo pollice gli serve. Peccato lo abbia perso in un incidente sul lavoro e, visto che non si è riusciti a recuperarlo, si è optato per utilizzare il suo stesso alluce sinistro.

Meglio di niente no? Il sogno di ogni autostoppista.


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