[quote]The Levitron Revolution with EZ Float Technology is a mesmerizing way to display small objects. The device allows you to levitate and slowly rotate your collectibles, toys, small office supplies – pretty much anything weighing up to 12 ounces.

To float an object, you first levitate the included small magnetic disc. Four LED lights on the base station help guide the alignment. Next, place your item of choice on top of the disc. The Levitron’s base station automatically compensates for changes in weight.[/quote]

Praticamente un improvement di [url=https://leganerd.com/2010/12/28/levitron-la-trottola-antigravita/]questa[/url], un gadget assolutamente inutile quanto spettacolare e pertanto irresistibile.

E poi Natale si avvicina.

Vien via per 99.99$ [url=http://www.vat19.com/dvds/levitron-revolution-floats-levitates-objects.cfm]qui[/url] ma è ovviamente già sold-out… tocca aspettare il 12 dicembre.
