Shain Erin: artista delle bambole

” I am an American surrealist/visionary artist working in a variety of media including painting, digital media and sculpture. Recently I have been preoccupied with the formal and expressive possibilities of the doll as a fine art form. I am fascinated with the way that dolls can function simultaneously as contrived objects and living entities. This paradox of an object with a “soul” makes the doll a powerful tool to explore the spiritual predicament of corporeality. In my figures, the struggle to reconcile spirit and flesh is explored through various states of physical mis-creation, transformation and dissolution. This monstrous realism reflects an inner landscape of psychological and spiritual struggle with the pain and wonder of existence.”

In questo articolo di LN si parlava di pediofobia ( la paura delle bambole )

Shain Erin è un artista surreale che forse ha cercato di esorcizzare questa paura realizzando queste sculture interessanti.

Joseph Joubert diceva: “La paura alimenta l’immaginazione.”
Nel suo caso alimenta anche il conto in banca, visto i prezzi delle sue opere!
Il sito ufficiale :

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