[quote]In 2010, DJ Cheeba’s first audio visual mix ‘The Reels of Solid Steel’ set a new level of progression for DJs. Now in 2011 he returns with the next episode… ‘Revenge Of The Nerd’. A quick fire, attention frying, mash of sure fire club hits, stone cold classics, countless acapellas and turntable tricknology, all set to a visual feast of music videos, pop culture cameos, kung fu interludes and cinematic delights. Mixed with incredible flair and imagination, this is another bench mark in contemporary DJ culture. As Cheeba puts it… “It’s cut and paste sound and pictures for people with open minds and short attention spans.”[/quote]

Trattasi di un misto video totale della durata di oltre un’ora, si passa dai video di skate a spezzoni di film e cartoni animati, video musicali e pezzi di telefilm, tutto sottolineato da una colonna sonora elettronica davvero notevole. tanta roba insomma.

[url=http://vimeo.com/solidsteel]Solid Steel[/url]