[quote]The official music video trailer for Zeboyd Games (Breath of Death VII) second RPG, Cthulhu Saves the World.

Music is Hey There Cthulhu by Eben Brooks –
http://music.ebenbrooks.com/ – Used with permission.

[spoiler]The lord of insanity, Cthulhu, has lost his powers and the only way to regain them is by becoming a true hero! Join him on an epic quest of courage, romance, redemption, and insanity! From the makers of the popular RPG, Breath of Death VII: The Beginning. Features 7 playable characters, a 6-10 hour quest, multiple modes & difficulties, branching LV-Ups, an insanity system, over 20 songs, and more![/spoiler][/quote]

Ultimamente capita sempre più spesso di sentir nominare il Grande Cthulhu, cosa che mi rende orgogliosa ed al contempo dubbiosa… sarà mica un presagio di un suo probabile risveglio nel 2012?
Devo telefonare a Giacobbo.