
[quote]At first we were pretty skeptical of this home made fusion reactor instructable. However, we’ve seen home made fusion reactors before, so it is technically possible, we guess. The construction alone is interesting enough to warrant a few moments of looking.

We’re not experts, so pardon us if we can’t tell you exactly what is going on, but we can appreciate the craftsmanship involved with the build. The vacuum chamber specifically is quite nice.[/quote]

Volete diventare energeticamente autonomi o siete invidiosi del tipo “perché l’Iran sì e io no”?

Costruitevi in casa il vostro reattore a fusione!

Via [url=http://hackaday.com/2010/12/27/build-a-fusion-reactor-in-your-home]Hack a day[/url] | [url=http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-A-Fusion-Reactor/]Instructables[/url]