[quote]Bill Fienup and Barry Kudrowitz‘s robots, [b]The Automatos[/b], have been leaving a sticky path of destruction all over the internet. Their sole purpose: to crap ketchup. They accomplish this feat by dumping a CO2 cartridge into a ketchup bottle at the push of a button, leading to some pretty awesome results. While the details are a little sparse it appears that they are using RC cars for the base and a small air gun CO2 cartridge to push the ketchup. The latest version aka the Automato 4 appears to be multi-actuated and can shoot more than once for maximum ketchup proliferation. See some videos of it in action after the break.[/quote]

Entra di diritto nella mia personalissima serie “[i]ma la gente sta male[/i]” questa idea all’apparenza carina, se solo funzionasse!!
Se l’immagine non vi bastasse e voleste a tutti i costi vedere il loro [del]NON[/del] funzionamento trovate sotto spoiler un paio di filmati.

Fonte [url=http://www.automato57.com/]AutoMato57[/url] via [url=http://hackaday.com/2010/12/17/the-heinz-automato/]Hack a Day[/url]
Via [url=https://leganerd.com/forums/topic/heinz-automato]:bazinga:[/url] di [url=https://leganerd.com/people/networm]networm[/url]