[quote]A class of Stanford University graduate students have been honored as the Autodesk Inventor of the Month for October for developing a prototype of the recyclable Bloom laptop.

The Bloom is the project of a team of students from Stanford and Finland’s Aalto University who were given the task to create a recyclable consumer electronics product that makes electronics recycling a simpler, more effective and engaging process for consumers. The students used Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Inventor Publisher software to help develop and refine the innovative laptop during the school year. Creating 3D digital prototypes of the hardware components inside the laptop aided in creating a readily accessible laptop design that is also easy to disassemble.[/quote]

Un gruppo di studenti della Stanford University e della Aalto University in Finlandia ha lavorato su questo concept di laptop completamente riciclabile, partendo dall’idea che tutti i suoi componenti dovrebbero essere facilmente sostituibili e che lo spreco di essi in caso di rottura dovrebbe essere il minore possibile.
Concept interessante poiché permetterebbe anche un eventuale upgrade del proprio laptop in maniera molto semplice.

Stanford University ME310
