[quote]What do you get when you mix photovoltaic panles and LED bulbs into the side of your building? A zero dirty energy giant movie screen. This isn’t some concept or science fiction movie idea, its real and has already been designed and built in China. The company Greenpix a a group of architects and designers, have created this screen in Beijing China.
The Zero Energy Media Wall – is a groundbreaking project applying sustainable and digital media technology to the curtain wall of Xicui entertainment complex in Beijing, near the site of the 2008 Olympics. Featuring the largest color LED display worldwide and the first photovoltaic system integrated into a glass curtain wall in China, the building performs as a self-sufficient organic system, harvesting solar energy by day and using it to illuminate the screen after dark, mirroring a day’s climatic cycle.The project was designed and implemented by Simone Giostra & Partners, a New York-based office with a solid reputation for its innovative curtain walls in Europe and the US, with lighting design and façade engineering by Arup in London and Beijing.[/quote]

Grazie al collega @BileBue.

Tratto da qui: http://gliving.com/greenpix-led-solar-mediawall-display/