
[quote]ADT recently ran a marketing campaign in Chile in which they slid pop-up boxes under people’s apartment doors to make them think somebody was in their place while they were gone. Scare tactics — I like it!

When not held flat, the boxes pop open to a cube, allowing them to be inserted under doors to lie in wait for the returning home owner. The owner sees the terrifying sight of something that has gotten inside your home without your consent. To compound the brief moment of horror, it bears the slogan “Breaking into your apartment is easier than you think” next to the ADT logo.[/quote]

Grande idea! in pratica per pubblicizzare un sistema di sicurezza domestica questi della “ADT” hanno fatto una campagna di guerrilla marketing infilando sotto alla porta di vari appartamenti una pubblicità che, una volta passata la soglia, diventava una scatola.. facendo quindi pensare agli inquilini che qualcuno fosse entrato a loro insaputa.. grandi.
