
[quote]This watch displays time in binary format. It uses LED lights to display the time. Need we say more? Okay, we will. The watch face contains 10 blue LEDs that are used to indicate the numbers of the binary sequence (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32) and the values of the lighted LEDs are added to determine the time. There are two rows of LEDs – the top row for the hours and the bottom row for the minutes. With a little practice you can learn to read this time format easily. Won’t it be fun the next time someone asks you “what time is it?” and you can enjoy their bewildered expression when you flash your wrist emblazoned with glowing binary? Yes it will, you quietly smirk to yourself.[/quote]

via http://www.thinkgeek.com

[spoiler]Al mondo ci son solo 10 tipi di persone. Chi lo sa leggere e chi no.
Nel caso, sapevatelo!