
[quote]Who needs George Hotz anyway? A USB modchip for the PS3 has emerged from the mists this morning, purporting to allow the dumping of games onto nearby storage — the console’s internal HDD and external drives are both a-ok — as well as the subsequent playing of said games without the need for the original disc. Could it be the backup/piracy nirvana Sony loyalists have been awaiting for so long? Well, there’s a video showing the little USB device apparently working, and the PSX-Scene team say they have personally verified that it does what it claims to do, but skepticism remains advisable here. The PS3 has been a fortress of hacker unfriendliness, so we’d rather kick back, relax, and wait for some braver souls than us to do the testing. For now, the video awaits after the break.[/quote]

Trovato [url=http://www.engadget.com/]Engadget[/url]e se siete intenzionati a comprare il modchip per effettuare il jailbreak allora potete andare [url=http://www.ozmodchips.com/ps-jailbreak-worlds-first-ps3-modchip-plug-and-play-p-68.html]qui[/url] ,anche se 169,99$ sono un pò troppi!