Due interessanti articoli su BoingBoing riguardo la pirateria informatica.
Nel [url=http://www.boingboing.net/2010/05/14/report-hurt-locker-t.html]primo[/url] i produttori di The Hurt Locker minacciano di far causa a migliaia di utenti bittorrent che hanno scaricato il film:
[quote]The Hollywood Reporter recently broke news that Voltage Pictures, which produced the Academy Award-winning film The Hurt Locker, has teamed up with a law firm going by the alias “The Copyright Group” to sue tens of thousands of suspected BitTorrent downloaders.[/quote]
Il [url=http://www.boingboing.net/2010/05/14/mick-jagger-talks-do.html]secondo[/url], intervista della BBC a Mick Jagger:
[quote]BBC: What’s your feeling on technology and music?
Jagger: Technology and music have been together since the beginning of recording. [The internet is] just one facet of the technology of music. Music has been aligned with technology for a long time. The model of records and record selling is a very complex subject and quite boring, to be honest.[/quote]