
[quote]Around the world in 5 hours

SonicStar is a true aviation first, meaning no more time-consuming long-haul flights: you’ll be able to fly from London to Sydney in less than an afternoon. Based on HyperMach’s unique design, with built-in Mach 3.5 performance capabilities it will provide the ultimate in luxury high-speed air travel. And it’s all made possible by HyperMach’s integration of next generation supersonic hybrid electric gas turbine engine technology.

Whisper it loudly: no sonic boom over land!

For years, innovation in supersonic technology has been curbed by understandably stringent regulations on the level of aircraft noise permitted over land. But now all that is about to change. SonicStar uses ground-breaking technology, allowing aerodynamics to be controlled and effectively eliminating the problem of sonic boom at very high speeds. Aerodynamic drag, skin friction and aerothermodynamic heating are significantly reduced – a worldwide first for aerospace, and one that changes the course of supersonic flight forever.

The greener way to travel: 100% reduction in jet emissions

To make unprecedented travel times a reality, speed is, quite literally, of the essence. But with climate change a pressing global concern, our team of industry-leading innovators, in collaboration with our OEM engine partner, have put green technology at the heart of SonicStar’s development. In fact, our next generation electric gas turbine engine provides the power generation capability to reduce jet emissions by 100%.[/quote]

Appena rivelato al [url=http://www.paris-air-show.com/en]Paris Air Show[/url], il SonicStar è ancora un concept, ma la HyperMac ha annunciato che diventerà realtà nel giugno del 2021.

Stiamo parlando di un aereo super sonico per uso civile che può volare a Mach 3.5: significa che questo aggeggio fa il giro del mondo in 5 ore…

Vola a 18000 metri di altezza e permetterà quindi ai suoi fortunati passeggeri (da 10 a 20) di vedere la curvatura terrestre durante il volo.

Ci hanno infilato in mezzo anche un paio di cazzate ecologiche, probabilmente per avere un bonus durante la ricerca del money necessario da qua al 2021.

Ecco il primo video di presentazione:

Spero ne sentiremo parlare ancora… in ogni caso anche se dovessero veramente realizzare questa roba non ve lo potrete mai permettere un viaggio a mach 3.5, quindi dream on guys…
