
[quote]The Museum of Bad Art (MOBA) is a privately owned museum whose stated aim is “to celebrate the labor of artists whose work would be displayed and appreciated in no other forum”. It has two branches, one in Dedham, Massachusetts, and the other in nearby Somerville. Its permanent collection includes 500 pieces of “art too bad to be ignored”, 25 to 35 of which are on public display at any one time.
MOBA was founded in 1994, after antique dealer Scott Wilson showed a painting he had recovered from the trash to some friends, who suggested starting a collection. Within a year, receptions held in Wilson’s friends’ home were so well-attended that the collection required its own viewing space. The museum moved to the basement of a theater in Dedham. Explaining the reasoning behind the museum’s establishment, co-founder Jerry Reilly said in 1995: “While every city in the world has at least one museum dedicated to the best of art, MOBA is the only museum dedicated to collecting and exhibiting the worst.” To be included in MOBA’s collection, works must be original and have serious intent, but they must also have significant flaws without being boring; curators are not interested in displaying deliberate kitsch. (da [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museum_of_Bad_Art]Wikipedia[/url])[/quote]

Come [url=https://leganerd.com/2011/01/04/la-peggiore-band-mai-esistita-the-shaggs/]le Shaggs[/url] ci hanno insegnato in ambito musicale, anche la bruttezza ha un suo innegabile fascino, quasi ipnotico, perturbante, che ti spinge masochisticamente a voler toccare il fondo, a chiederti se puoi osare spingere lo sguardo più in là.

Lo sapevano bene i ragazzi che hanno fondato il [url=http://www.museumofbadart.org/index.php]MOBA ovvero il Museum of Bad Art[/url], a Dedham, nel Massachussets. Quello che hanno fatto è stato semplicemente allestire uno spazio espositivo in cui ospitare una serie di opere recuperate nella spazzatura, oppure generosamente “donate” dagli amici e parenti stessi dell’artista, con un criterio ben preciso: dovevano essere opere brutte.

Un museo del fail, in cui far vagare lo sguardo e interrogarsi sulla validità delle proprie categorie estetiche: forse, forse siamo noi che sbagliamo! Forse qui si trovano dei geni incompresi, che verranno apprezzati solo tra decenni, e che noi adesso sbeffeggiamo nella nostra ignoranza…

Via [url=http://www.museumofbadart.org/]Sito Ufficiale[/url]