[quote]We’ve been covering Laser Hacks pretty much since the beginning but it’s surprising to see the niche market that has sprouted up around building powerful handheld modules. [Styropyro] filmed the video above as a tutorial on building a 1W blue laser. The “flashlight” that he starts with includes a heat sink intended for a laser diode. It seems there’s a lot of choices when choosing one of these build kits. A one Watt blue laser diode is press fit into the heat sink and wired in place. The body of the device receives a boost converter to get the batteries up to 1A, and once the assembly is complete the burning begins. It lights candles, matches, and pops balloons; the normal laser demo goodies.[/quote]

Per quanto semplice da costruire possa sembrare nel video, vorrei ricordare che è un giocattolo [b]dannatamente pericoloso[/b], ergo astenersi niubbi del saldatore e bimbominkia vari.

Via [url=http://hackaday.com/2010/08/20/1w-blue-laser-remarkably-easy-and-dangerous/]Hack-a-day[/url]