[quote]Few days ago I started thinking about how I could re-purpose the keyboard of the dismantled piano I keep in the garden, so I thought to build a new instrument by combining it with some other parts I had laying around. I ended up with this mechanical hybrid thing I thought to call “Bassoforte” (bass + pianoforte).
The neck is from a broken electric bass, as a bridge I used a cabinet handle, the pickups are from a guitar, and the part at the top where the strings are attached is a chimney cap, which works as resonator as well as percussive sound.
The track I created is a tribute to my Dad who is a big fan of Western comic books and “spaghetti western” films, and because of him I am too.
I hope you’ll like it![/quote]
Un pazzo visionario di nome Diego Stocco ha inventato questo nuovo strumento, non proprio praticissimo, ma di sicuro effetto! Il [i]bassoforte[/i] è una specie di Frankestein musicoforo a cui, onestamente, non saprei trovare una collocazione in una band qualsivoglia. Ma è terribilmente fico!
[url=http://diegostocco.bandcamp.com/track/bassoforte]QUI[/url] trovate tutti i brani incisi con ‘sto coso, [url=http://www.behance.net/gallery/Bassoforte/535175]QUO[/url] una gallery con dettagli e istruzioni e QUA il canale Vimeo di Diego. Yeah, bravo lo Stocco!