Un libro per gli AFOL, LEGO Ideas lancia una nuova votazione

Parte da oggi su LEGO Ideas un nuovo contest in cui dovrete votare uno dei tre libri, creati in collaborazione con gli AFOL, dedicati alla storia del mattoncino LEGO, ed in cui il vincitore fra i tre verrà prodotto da LEGO.
LEGO Publishing, divisione editoriale di The LEGO Group annuncia l’inizio delle votazioni per far scegliere agli AFOL quale fra questi tre libri vorrebbero che fosse prodotto ed il vincitore verrà poi caricato sul sito di crowdfunding, che collabora con LEGO, Unbound.com dove potrete poi acquistare il vostro preorder.
Le tre scelte possibili saranno:
- The LEGO Brick Museum
- The secret life of LEGO bricks
- LEGO history in 100 bricks
Le votazioni sono aperte fin da ora ed avrete tempo fino alle ore 16 del 9 agosto per esprimere il vostro voto assieme ad alcuni suggerimenti da dare a LEGO relativi ai brick che vorreste vedere all’interno del libro stesso.
Infine, una volta caricato sul sito di Unbound.com, ogni AFOL che lo preordinerà avrà il proprio nome stampato sul retro del libro, con ulteriori ricompense in base a quanto sarete disposti a spendere.
Di seguito la press release dell’iniziativa.
LEGO Publishing, a division of the LEGO Group, is excited to announce a public vote on LEGO Ideas to choose the direction for a new book celebrating the rich history of the iconic LEGO brick, made in collaboration with AFOLs.
Will fans want to wander the pages of the “Brick Museum”, discover the “100 bricks that built LEGO history” (are your favourites included?), or uncover the “secret life of LEGO bricks”?
Developed with input from a group of AFOL ‘ambassadors’ and written by lifelong LEGO fan and US editor of Blocks magazine Daniel Konstanski, each of the three book ideas is a different spin on showcasing the extraordinary variety of LEGO elements, from monorail tracks and wheels to smart bricks, the Mask of Life from BIONICLE®️, and many more. These elements and the beloved sets they appeared in will provide the springboard to tell stories from the designers, managers and technicians who brought them to life, showcased with artefacts from the LEGO Archive in Billund, Denmark.
Three book titles and brief descriptions will go live on LEGO Ideas at 16:00 p.m. CEST on 24 July, 2020, and fans will be invited to vote for the book they would most like to see made. They can even suggest favorite LEGO elements they’d like to see included in the book. The voting period will end at 16:00 p.m. CEST on Sunday 9th August, 2020, after which the winning book will be announced on LEGO Ideas.
A collaboration between AMEET, the LEGO Group’s global strategic publishing partner, and crowdfunding publisher Unbound, the book is an exclusive, once in a lifetime opportunity to own a piece of LEGO’s history! It will become available for crowdfunding through Unbound’s website. Every fan who pre-orders will get their name printed in the back of the book, with further opportunities to pledge for additional must-have rewards from the LEGO Group.
Robin James Pearson, Head of Publishing at The LEGO Group, said: “We are thrilled to be working closely with the AFOL community to identify, co-create, and publish unique books that satisfy the great thirst for knowledge of our adult fans. There have been a number of books published about The LEGO Group and the LEGO brick over the years, but this is the first time we have had the opportunity to work directly with the adult fan community to discover what titles that they would like to see on their bookshelves.”
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