BMW annuncia un taglio massiccio all’offerta di motori termici. Il cambiamento a partire dal 2022 per concentrare gli sforzi sulle auto elettriche. Il brand bavarese farà fuori il 50% dei motori.

Anche BMW si prepara a ripulire la sua attuale line-up, la casa automobilistica farà piazza pulita dell’attuale portfolio di motori — che dovrebbe venire ridotta addirittura del 50%. Anche un’altro produttore aveva annunciato un’operazione simile in questi giorni: se Mercedes-Benz aveva annunciato un taglio a modelli, motori e pianali per ottimizzare i costi interni, BMW mira a fare spazio ad elettriche e ibride.



Among other things, development times for new vehicle models will be reduced by as much as one third. On the product side, up to 50 percent of traditional drivetrain variants will be eliminated from 2021 onwards in the transition to creating enhanced, intelligent vehicle architectures—in favor of additional electrified drivetrains. It is in this area that the full impact of these measures will come into effect, particularly in the years after 2022

si legge in una nota ufficiale di BMW.

Moreover, the model portfolio is regularly assessed with a view to finding additional potential ways of reducing complexit. Potential for greater synergy and efficiency in indirect purchasing as well as in terms of material and production costs is also being leveraged throughout the Group. The BMW Group is also strengthening performance with an array of new models—especially in segments where the rates of return are highest.